
Susan is an adult female green sea turtle. She arrived on Brasilon Beach in southwestern Nicaragua on the evening of 30 December 2012. She laid eggs, and after she was done, she was tagged with a SPOT5 satellite tag to track her movements over the coming months. After initial tagging, she returned to Brasilon a second time to lay more eggs.

Susan is named after Susan White, one of Paso Pacifico’s greatest supporters. Thanks to her generosity, Paso Pacifico has worked to save endangered wildlife throughout our work area in the Paso del Istmo Biological Corridor of southwestern Nicaragua. We name this turtle in her honor to thank her for her dedication and generosity.

Susan was last tracked on March 4, 2013 off the coast of Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica (near the Nicaragua-Costa Rica border).

Species: Green Turtle, adult female

Cummulative Distance Travelled: 833 km

Time Tracked: Released on December 30, 2012